Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dreaded 30

Things have been going well for us in the last couple of weeks.  We were really disappointed about IUI #3 not working, but really took our "break" to heart and hadn't wasted a lot of time thinking about our next steps.  We are at an in between with waiting on W's test results and not really knowing what our next steps are.  I was feeling pretty carefree and not concerned with any of the baby stuff, until the day before my 30th birthday hit...And it really made me realize, once again, that we didn't have what we wanted by then.  Yesterday and a little bit into today, I've just felt sad that we aren't much closer to where we'd like to be, than we were 2 1/2 years ago.  I know we'll have all of our tests/labs done with and I can only hope we have some sort of answer soon.  I'm hopeful that we won't be in limbo for too long, because I'm starting to get antsy and know there's no way I could possibly take any longer break than this month.  You just can't force yourself to feel okay pushing back trying for something you want so bad.  Hopefully we'll have answers soon and a game plan.