Friday, September 19, 2014

Feeling Blessed

If you had told me at the beginning of this year that we'd be in the place we are, I would've said "Not likely."  Yet here we are, making so many of our dreams a reality.

We've always talked about how nice it would be to build a home together.  We get to decide the way it looks, and be the original owners and really plant our roots.  I'm just so grateful that the first 4 or 5 options we were 'set' on ended up not working, because none of them compared to the option we landed on.  We get to live close to my parents.  We get to live close to an awesome biking/jogging trail and parks to take our dogs and kids to.  We knew the instant we pulled into the area, that this was going to be our new home.  We didn't hesitate to put our holding deposit down and start making plans.  We've been so incredibly thankful for the way the pieces of the puzzle have come together to make everything work out for us.  The house is coming along, slowly but surely and our plans to make it our home are in full swing.

But beyond the new house, other prayers have been answered.  At the beginning of July, we did our frozen embryo transfer.  We made the decision together, with Dr. P's advice and guidance, to transfer 2 embryos.  Well both took.  We are expecting TWINS.  I am 14 weeks today, and officially into the 2nd trimester.  The farther along we get, the more grateful I feel.  We had a scare 2 weeks ago, suddenly gushing blood with clots, and rushed to the ER.  I was making peace with myself on the way there, and waiting for the doctor to do the ultrasound, that if we could just keep one baby, I would know that things just worked how there were supposed to.  But we breathed a huge sigh of relief when we saw both babies moving around with good, strong heartbeats.  The bleeding died down after a couple hours and we were sent home.  Every time in the past, when I've been bleeding, I've miscarried, so to say we were humbled would be an understatement.  We are just so grateful that we aren't grieving the loss of one of our babies, but celebrating both of them continuing to grow strong.

We've had a couple of appts with our Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor and so far, really like the office and it's staff.  The last appt, seeing both babies moving around, seeing facial features and limbs moving, I was just in awe the whole time.  I don't think I could've grown tired of seeing them up there, and cannot wait to meet them in real life.

Our next appt is in a couple weeks, and although I know it might still be early, I am hoping we can find out the genders.  It would be nice to really be able to start planning how the nursery will look and buying a few items for them. 

We continue to pray that things can keep moving smoothly and that these littles can be in our arms in a few months.  We're slowly telling the news to friends and family and I'm starting to really love this baby bump.  I'm getting past the in between stage and into maternity clothing and loving experiencing what it's like to be pregnant.  It's not always fun.  I haven't felt fully myself for a number of weeks now.  Feeling nauseous and gaggy, waking up several times a night to pee, feeling like things are already too tight in my stomach that I can't quite get comfortable.  But, I definitely wouldn't change it for the world.