Tuesday, December 30, 2014

28 Week Update

I had intended to be much better about posting and making this a pregnancy journal of sorts, but it just didn't happen.  I am 28 weeks and 5 days now and things are still going as smoothly as they could ever be.  I am so thankful that each doctor appt goes well and things continue progressing as they do.  I'm going to try and recall events, even just for my own memories down the road, so this post may jump around a bit.

First of all, we've known we're having 2 boys since 16 weeks and are so thrilled about it.  I had my vision of wanting a boy and a girl, if only because I love the relationship I have with my twin brother.  My sister put together gender reveal party and the first box (of balloons and confetti was obviously blue for a boy, which had me tearing up instantly.  My sister in law took a video, in which you can hear my brother saying, "Why is she crying, I thought she didn't want a boy."  There are other comments said, to which I reply something like "There better not be 2 boys in there!", and W saying "Try not to say things like 'unacceptable'".  Well lo and behold the 2nd box also showered us with blue confetti, which instantly had me jumping for joy and cracking up over.  I'm so glad we have pictures and a fuzzy video to mark such a fun event.  I can't lie and say I didn't feel any disappointment over the picture in my head not actually happening, but I can also say with a 100% certainty that those feelings have completely diminished and I am so excited to have 2 little guys joining our family!

At 24 weeks, the weekend we moved into our new home, we ended up going to the Maternity ER to get checked out.  We had been working hard for several days in a row, with me even helping W move dirt around to get our dog run set up.  I was concerned about the cramping I was feeling, and with him heading out of town the next day, I decided to play it safe and get checked out.  Everything was just fine, and they said I had an "irritable uterus", and to try and take it easy and make sure I was getting plenty of fluids.

I've still been gaining weight like a champ, if I do say so myself.  As of yesterday I'm up 29 lbs and couldn't be happier about it.  It's the only time in my life I will ever feel this way, so I'm taking full advantage of enjoying seeing the scale climb.  At my 26 week appointment, we did another full scan of the babies, and they looked so good!  It's so crazy making out features on them, even in the grainy video screen.  Baby B is still presenting and head down.  Baby A is still breech and looking pretty cozy that way, still.  The Placenta Previa was still showing up, so I've been trying to prepare myself more and more to expect to have a scheduled C-section. 

Yesterday was my 28 week appt.  I had my 1 hour glucose test and passed.  Dr. D said it was pretty close to the edge, but he didn't see any need for me to do the 3 hour test, but to try and cut back on sweets and eat more fruits and veggies.  We didn't have a full ultrasound, just a quick check the heartbeats and my cervix, but everything was looking good.  Dr. D said he thinks there's still plenty of time for the Placenta Previa to move and we can still try and have a natural delivery, but that ultimately it doesn't matter what he thinks, that it's up to my body.  I am to go to the ER if I have any bleeding or consistent contractions.  If everything continues to go smoothly, and I don't go into labor on my own, Dr. D said he'll likely induce me right around 36 weeks, so these little guys should be here within the next 8 weeks!  I had it in my head that I was going to carry them until at least 38 weeks, and so I was counting down from 10 weeks, 8 weeks seems like such a big difference to me!  But, I can't wait!  There's lots to do still to prepare, but I know we'll get it done!

The boys have been moving around a ton, and in the last week starting to hit my ribs.  I never thought much about it when people would complain about this, but those little guys can really hurt my ribs!  I'll bend over to put on shoes, and get a punch to the ribs or be curled up on one side and get a kick in the ribs.  Even though, I'm starting to get more and more uncomfortable, the bigger I get, I really do love it all.  I am so thankful to be here and to experience the joy of pregnancy and to feel them move brings a smile to my face constantly.

I've started getting braxton hicks contractions, which is such a bizarre feeling.  My stomach tightens and contorts in some odd shape and at times will last quite a long time, making me really uncomfortable.  Others come and go really quickly. 

We've decided on the boys' names and I've already decided which one will be named which at birth.  We like Thomas and Marcus.  I also just put out a very simple announcement on Facebook and Instagram, with pictures speaking for me that we are expecting.  I've been overwhelmed with the love and support from our family and friends.  It's a bit surreal to be here, making an announcement, sending out baby shower invites and setting up a baby registry.  Not a day goes by, that I don't feel so much gratitude for all the good things happening in our lives.  We are in our new house and have twins on the way.  It's going to be a big adjustment, needing to really tighten up our budget and me transitioning into becoming a stay at home mom, but I know we can do it.  These small sacrifices will pay off in the long run, knowing we are creating the life we've been dreaming of for years.  I sit and think about what a difference a year can make.  As we rang in the new year last year, we were still mourning the loss of our first real pregnancy.  I had so much bitterness in my heart and wasn't sure if I'd ever feel whole again.  But things have taken quite a drastic change and I feel so much joy, happiness and love for these 2 boys I still haven't met.  In a few short weeks, our lives will be forever changed.  I can't wait.