Tuesday, May 29, 2012

18 Months

I just realized the other day that we've been trying for 18 months now.  It's been a long year and a half and lots of changes have taken place around us.  W has stayed really busy with work and is learning and growing in different aspects.  I've also grown at work and feel like I've found a job I could be at for a long time.  It's actually crossed my mind to consider staying in my position after we have a baby, because I've become so comfortable and good at my job.  My boss shows he agrees by giving out raises and bonuses that only entice me to stay even more.  But ultimately, my biggest goal is to have kids and to be a stay at home mom.  I want to be there for all their "firsts" and can't imagine having my kids find comfort from a babysitter, when I should be there for them.  W and I are in a good place to allow me to stay at home, and will continue to work towards that goal.

I went to the Dr on the 17th, and love my doctor so much!  I explained that I'd tracked my cycles for 2 months, and though the first month I ovulated, we didn't get pregnant, the 2nd month no ovulations occured.  She didn't even hesitate to decide to put me on Femara, to help with my ovulation.  I have heard horror stories of how Femara can make you feel and really mess with your horomones, but I was lucky enough to feel many side affects while taking it.  The other awful side affect I've heard about was not ovulating at all, while on it...But I'm staying hopeful that isn't the case with me.  I am so excited at the thought of possibly getting pregnant this month (June), and turning 2012 around into the year I thought it would be, back in January.  We miscarried on Jan 24th, and could find out exactly 6 months later that we are expecting again.  I'm trying not to put all my eggs in this month's basket, but just can't help it.  I know that if it doesn't work this month, we will keep trying on Femara for another couple months before taking our next step.  My doctor doesn't want us to go too many months in between seeing her, so we can keep our options moving to get pregnant soon.  It's so nice to have that kind of encouragement from her, and know that she cares.  To her, I'm not just another patient with the same fertility problems as the next.  She asks me things and tells me all the options and why she's choosing to go the route she's putting me on.  And ultimately, I know that she will exhaust all her options to help us get pregnant again.  W and I couldn't be more ready for our next journey to take place, so we are excited for what could come of this simple fertility treatment.

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