Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Stand Still

My plan didn't go the way I'd hoped.  Our Jan 15th appt showed a Uterine Septum (it happens in 3% of women), which requires surgery to fix.  Instead of getting the trigger shot, we were told to use protection and not get pregnant until further notice.  I had an MRI on the 27th, which confirmed the septum.  Now I'm playing the waiting game; Waiting for the doctor to get the results to me, so I can get the surgery scheduled and out of the way. 

That hope is gone right now, and I'm feeling a lot of different things.  Why couldn't my OB/GYN go through this test a year ago?  Why do I have to feel like 2 years of my life has been wasted on the gamble of it all?  Why did I have to tell myself that everything would be perfect by the time I was 30?  I've set myself up for failure, and can't seem to move past that.  I know things could change, my birthday isn't till the middle of May, but it's hard to think like that right now.  I'm broken, once again.