Friday, August 15, 2014


There's so much to update on, but so little time, it seems.

We have been updating our current home since February, and then in May decided that we should take advantage of the market being on an upswing and get our house sold.  With the plans being in place to do the transfer in July, it gave us time to start looking for a new home in the meantime.  After looking all across the valley, we found a new development 3.5 miles from my parents house and instantly fell in love.  So we put our money down and got the ball rolling to get everything started.  We've sold our house, which turned out much easier/better than we could've ever imagined.  We were going to hire an agent to help us list our house, but then decided at the last minute, the day before his contract went into effect, that we really couldn't sell our house right now, with the house not even being built yet.  But a week later, the agent called with some buyers who were interested in seeing our house.  They made an offer and agreed to let us stay in the home (renting it from them) until our new house is built.  We closed on the house last week and are now renters.  They will begin digging next week on our new home, which we are thrilled about!  Keeping our fingers crossed that mid-November is when they'll complete the home, so we can be in and settled before the holidays.

We did our transfer on July 2nd and played the waiting game for almost 2 weeks.  We got our positive beta and even higher numbers 2 days later.  We told our families the news @ 5 weeks, but have kept the news to ourselves, beyond that.  I am 9 weeks today and feeling morning sickness throughout most of the day, but it's worse in the evening.  I feel tired and achy, with cramps here and there.  We had our last 2 appts with Dr. P and have moved on to our new OB, Dr. D.  I won't have another appt until I am almost 12 weeks, which seems like forever away.  I'm taking it very easy, and still taking my Estrodial, baby asprin and prenatal vitamins each night.  The PIO shots are coming to an end, only one more week, which I'm both nervous and excited for.  I worry that stopping the shots could create an issue, but just have to trust Dr. P's knowledge that my body will be creating enough progesterone on it's own to sustain this pregnancy.  Today I have a mix of feelings.  I'm happy to be making it this far in a pregnancy, but still anxious, as we miscarried at 9 weeks exactly, last time.  Just have to take it one day at a time, and hope this pregnancy is the one that sticks.

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