Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blogger Friends

Lately, I've been finding new blogs that interest me.  It's been really nice to see that everyone has the same feelings or issues as me as far as life is concerned.  It's nice to know that I am not alone when it comes to my own ups and downs.  I've been feeling down, like I mentioned before, and wishing things could hurry up and happen for us.  But really I've also spent a lot of time thinking about all the good things I have.  I have 3 adorable dogs who really are my joys.  They are my babies and bring so much happiness to me.  I love that they are so happy to see me when I get home from work or are there to comfort me when I'm having a bad day.  MB and B are the sweetest boxers and just want to please me and do what is right.  They don't like when I raise my voice and that makes me want to be a calmer person.  J is truly my best friend and can make me laugh on my unhappiest days.  She knows when I am sad and will happily snuggle on my lap or give me kisses when I need them.  She makes me happy just by sleeping in between my legs or curling up in the small of my back or in t he curve of my stomach when I lay on my side, every night to sleep.

I have a husband who has the same long term goals that I do.  He wants to have kids and wants to see them succeed and for us to be good parents.  He wants to make our current home a nice place to live, since we really don't know if we'll decide to stay put in a year or not.  He is willing to put in long hours at work to make sure that I never have to go without.  Sure he can be a pain sometimes, getting mad when I think I need that new pair of jeans or that home decoration, but also he knows that I have gotten better with money and also want those long term things and am willing to work for them too.  We have our ups and downs just like any other couple, and don't always see eye to eye.  But I am glad that we are able to talk through things and have gotten so much better at communicating.  We still have a long ways to go, but we have each other and are willing to do what it takes to stay married.

The weather has been up and down lately, with weather in the 70s one day and snow the next.  But I am used to this sort of thing living in Utah.  But the glimpses of spring have made me happy.  I love taking the dogs to the park for walks and I love seeing flowers start blooming and just being out in the warmer air.  I love doing yard work and am so excited to get my garden started (I should've planted my peas a couple weeks ago, oops!) and to get the patio set up again and new flowers planted in my pots.  I'm excited for summer BBQs and for long, warm summer nights hanging out on the porch swing watching the dogs run around in the backyard.  I'm excited to start playing Badminton and Dutch Softball at my Mom's house on Sunday nights.  I'm excited for weekend camping trips and time to spend in the peaceful mountains.  I've been also getting better at working out, so that my body can look good this summer.  I always say I'm going to look better each summer, but I really think I'm motivated this year.  I've been getting better at running longer distances for longer periods of time.  I've been able to push myself to do those lunges and crunches after my runs and I feel great afterwards!

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