Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My sweet hubby

I just wanted to write of a couple of sweet things with my hubby.  He went out of town for a couple of days last week, so after he got home Saturday afternoon, we decided to hit up PF Changs and indulge in our favorite dishes.  I felt like we were in another place, away from all normal life.  We had the best time at dinner.  We talked and laughed and were able to talk a little bit about if this IUI doesn't work, what IVF means to us.  He was so sweet about it all.  I can see just how much he wants this to work too.  We both are scared of IVF and the unknown of it all, but I feel so much peace for the future, knowing that I have him by my side.  He is so good to me.  We had such a wonderful weekend, I didn't want it to end.  We snuggled, giggled, held hands, kissed, and talked all weekend long, and it's those types of weekends that let me know that my life isn't bad.  I have so much good, and if it takes us longer to get a baby, that will be okay.  W and I are good company for each other, and in a way I will be sad to have the days of "just the two of us" gone.

On Sunday we went to Scheels, and browsed the entire store.  As we were walking through, we came across baby strollers, and I thought it was incredibly sweet that W immediately stopped to look at them, and even took one for a spin up and down the aisle.  It's so sweet to me that he takes notice of these types of things, and isn't afraid to get a bit googley eyed looking at the stuff and dreaming of our future.  The longer this journey takes, the more and more I see just how good of a dad he will be.  I cannot wait to see him in action, holding our little one and changing their tiny lil' bum.

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