Monday, July 29, 2013

Waiting to Begin

Time has been crawling.  I'm so anxious to go through the IVF process, so of course time is passing slowly.  I've started reading back through a series of books I love, and trying to think of projects I can work on, to help pass the time.  We still have over a month until the process starts.

We've been slowly starting to tell our immediate families and close friends about our IVF plans, and have been really happy with the reactions we get.  Everyone is so supportive and have made us feel very loved.  Telling my parents was my favorite, so far.  I got a big hug from my teary eyed mom, as if we were announcing we were pregnant already.  When I told them that we weren't going to share the info with everyone, because there's a chance it might not work, my dad's firm response was all I needed.  He just said "It will work." and gave me an approving smile.  I haven't always been that close to my dad, but over the past 5 years we have built a great relationship, and it's times like these that show it.  He has a sense of pride and love that he shows at times I need it the most.  I'm so grateful that they are so supportive and aren't questioning our reasoning for moving forward with this.  I can't wait until I can finally see them with our kids.

I have wonderful girlfriends, that have been friends with me from Jr High and High School.  I told them all at dinner and  they were all immediately letting me know they'd be praying even more for us.  They wanted to know what they could do and have already shown so much support.  They are going to go through a Chakra balance with me a bit before the IVF, and it really makes me feel good to know they are rooting for us too.

We still have yet to tell W's family, as the timing hasn't worked out yet.  But I know they will give us the same support we've gotten thus far and I'm so grateful for that.

I'm into my second week of BC pills, and even though I don't know for sure, I do feel like it's affecting my mood a little bit.  I feel a bit more on edge and tired, and it's the only thing I can really pin point it on.  I've started taking my vitamins; CoQ10. MyoInositol, Vitamin D and my prenatal vitamin.  Wednesday will be my last day to have my morning coffee for a while.  I won't be having any adult beverages, in what I hope will be over a year, starting then too.  I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this IVF work, and if it makes my chances go up, even a half percent, I'll do it.

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