Monday, August 19, 2013

One more month

We only have about a month to go...I'm counting on 9/18 to be the egg retrieval day, so to me we are less than a month away, but the embryo transfer won't happen until a few days after that.  We have our first U/S and appt with the nurse to go over my injections on 9/6.  Then I start my stims on 9/9. So my real process starts in 3 weeks, which makes me nervous and excited! 

I've been trying to find good quotes to print out and put up on my mirror, to keep me motivated and excited throughout this process.  It's hard to stay positive and hopeful about it all, when there are always things that can come up, or the possibility that it won't work.  But the only way to truly go through it, is with hope and staying positive that this is going to work for us. 

I had my blood tested a couple weeks ago, and had the nurse call on Thursday to tell me that I'm not immune to Rubella, so I had to go this morning and get an updated MMR Vaccination.  We are getting it in just in time, since I can't get pregnant for 30 days after the shot.  W had his Freeze and Store on Friday, so we really are ready to go!

I have my last half marathon on Saturday and am feeling a bit sad about that.  I haven't done my best at training my hardest for this race.  But I am just going to enjoy the run and be sure I take it all in.  I can't run during the whole IVF process...But I may be able to pick it up again after I get pregnant.  But, I don't think I'll be trying to fit in any other half marathons for the year. 

This whole process has been a bit surreal to me.  I keep thinking back to our cancelled IUI, over 7 weeks ago.  We've had our IVF plan for over a month now, and have another month till it's all said and done.  In some ways time is flying by, and in others it's crawling.  It's so weird doing the whole, "I don't want summer to end."  but then saying "Hurry up and come September!"  I'm already looking forward to December and getting to share happy news at Christmas with our families and friends.  And then I'm looking forward to June, to hopefully having a newborn baby in our home, and enjoying next summer being parents.  I've already got a plan in my head, that I can start running again in July, and maybe running the Big Cottonwood Half marathon, since I had to drop out this year.  But I'm getting ahead of myself, and need to focus on my current steps and go from there.

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