Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Plan in Place

I went to see Dr. P yesterday and my cysts are finally starting to dissolve!   He told me to stay on the Norethindrone and come back and see him mid May to make sure everything looks good and we'll get started on the FET process.  Expected transfer date is June 30th or July 1st or 2nd, if all goes according to plan.

I asked him why he wouldn't just start me on the BCP sooner and then I can start Lupron as soon as my marathon is over and he said my body would be out of whack and I could start spotting and he didn't think I'd want to deal with that while training.  I said I certainly didn't, but just wanted to do the transfer the soonest time available.  But he said let's just leave the plan as is.  Sometimes I don't understand why Dr. P makes the decisions he does, but I just have to trust that he's dong what's best for me.

Originally, when I signed up for the marathon, I decided I need a break.  I needed a break from ultrasounds and disappointments.  I wanted to just put my energy into something I could control and not stress about the upcoming FET.  So even though I am a little disappointed that I am 3 months out from it, I am looking forward to being period free these next couple months and to just relax and do the things we have planned.

Training for the marathon has officially started and it's going well.  I ran a half marathon with my sister and 5 other girls this past weekend in Zions National Park and it was gorgeous.  I didn't make the best time, but had to keep in mind this was just a training run.  I don't need to push myself to be faster, I need to push myself on the distance.  I've gotten to run more with B and that has been so nice.  We really have been great support and therapy for each other and I think it's what we both needed.  We have uninterrupted time to talk about anything we need to and I love it!  I run 15 this weekend!

W and I have continued working on projects around the house.  Painting base boards and trim and have plans to update the paint in the rest of the rooms in the house.  We keep bouncing ideas off each other for the 2nd bathroom update, but haven't been in a rush to jump into tearing into it, just yet.  We've decided to move outside while the weather is warming up, but not getting hot.  We are getting the house prepped to paint it.  W has been getting the windows sealed and adding small trim where it's needed.  I've tried to help where I can, but sometimes am just there to grab him tools and supplies so he doesn't have to go up and down on the ladder.  I've been working on scraping loose paint off of the house and trim.  We also would like to redo the shingles on the roof, but haven't decided if that will be a project we work on now or in the fall.  We definitely have a long list of things to do to keep us busy, so I'm sure the time will fly by and the FET will be here in no time!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Sunshine and Springtime!

After being down in the dumps for several months, I made a decision to take matters into my own hands.  I decided that if my cysts were still hanging around, then I wasn't putting off my plans any longer.  Well those cysts clearly like me, because they are still there.  So let the plan making begin!

I signed up for 2 half marathons and my first FULL marathon, all in a 2 month time.  I've been doing a bit of running, but mostly just a few miles on the weekends with my sister and calling it good.  So I've got my work cut out for me and I am motivated!  Is it going to be hard?  Hell ya, it is.  But it will be so worth it!  I have felt so good this whole week, and I am feeling my attitude slowly change for the better.  I am so pumped to push myself and to reap the benefits of running, once again.  W has been so supportive of me and that makes it that much easier to keep pushing myself.  My sister is the best trainer a girl could ask for and is my number one motivator and fan in all things running.

W and I completed work on our guest bathroom and are putting together plans for the main bathroom.  We will continue painting everything in our path, and I can't wait to see the results.  We are fixing and replacing doors and painting all the trim.  We are getting all new hardware for the doors and what a difference it's already beginning to make!

Today I am leaving work early to go catch my dad's soccer team.  He's been coaching MHS Soccer for over 10 years now and it is so fun to be cheer from the sidelines!  The weather is warm and sunny today, so I knew I needed to take advantage of a slow day at work and get some rays and soccer time!  Plus, I get to see my niece and nephew at the game, and they make me giddy.

I emailed Dr. P the other day to let him know my plans to get a few races in and asked him for advice on what our next steps should be.  I was expecting him to tell me to just wait and come in at the end of May to continue, but he didn't.  He told me to make an appt for the end of March and if everything looks good, we'll make my plans and work around my races.  Just when I thought I couldn't love my RE anymore, he goes and responds in the perfect way.  He seems to understand that life goes on and that anything he can do to help get me back to my "normal" self, he'll do it. 

W and I have made our budget and some plans for the year and if all goes well and how we are hoping, 2014 could be a great year.  It's really hard to see past all that we've been through and let go of the sadness/anger when it feels never ending.  But we find so much happiness when we make plans and goals and work towards making them happen.  This is when we are at our best, and so I'm excited for that.   I really need to try and put more focus on my life outside of IF, because for the last 6 months, I haven't been able to.  And it's time for a change.