Monday, October 28, 2013

8 weeks 5 Days and Sick

I just wanted to document the steps that are coming along with this pregnancy.  I had been feeling a little bit nauseous in week 7 into 8, but nothing like what I feel like lately.  Starting right about the beginning of week 8, the sickness has definitely gotten worse.  I feel car sick all the time, and it becomes worse in the afternoon into the night.  I haven't thrown up yet, so I am grateful for that.  W has been out of town since Wednesday (which was 8 weeks for me) and so I've felt a bit miserable in dealing with it alone.  I've felt more tired than usual, and some days are worse than others.  I've gained one pound so far, and feel bloated and a bit uncomfortable in regular jeans.

But on the bright side, it reminds me of being pregnant and makes me grateful that everything seems to be normal thus far.  I'll take being sick, as hard as it is to deal with.

I got to tell my last brother we are pregnant on Friday night, which was fun.  I love having reactions from people who are surprised by it all.  Going through IVF is definitely a different experience to go through.  It takes away the element of surprise, but I wouldn't have changed it.  I am grateful that I chose to share with those closest to me, as the support I got was so helpful in the process.  But I do feel a little bit ripped off in the joys that surprising everyone brings.  I still keep trying to think of ways to still add the element of surprise in, with maybe a gender reveal party or something of the like.

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