Friday, October 25, 2013

8 weeks and the heart beat

I couldn't let this week end without writing my thoughts on this week.  What a wonderful week it was!  I'd been counting down the days to Tuesday and feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness.  Nervous that this embryo hadn't actually taken ahold correctly, that we could have a ectopic or chemical pregnancy.  But excited to finally see if we had a healthy baby growing or maybe identical twins.  Excited to see our little peanut and hear the heart beat.

Tuesday came and it was perfect.  W and I met at the office and they called us right back.  Checked my stats and had me change.  Dr. P must've been just as anxious as us, because he was ready to come in before I had a chance to sit down and cover up.  We started the ultrasound and immediately saw our little ONE up on the screen.  It is already moving around and was so cool to see.  Dr. P pointed out the heart beat for us to see.  They did all the measurements, and everything looks great!  It's measuring right on schedule.  Then he moved on to what he called the fun part, hearing the heart beat.  And it was incredible!  I've never heard something so amazing in my life!  I immediately started crying and grabbed W's hand.  I am just in awe of it all.  I can't believe I'm carrying a tiny little baby around.

A couple other cool things from the appt with Dr. P.  He asked who our regular OB/GYN is going to be.  I told him Dr. D and he said, "Oh A?  She's great, you'll love her.  Her dad was also an OB/GYN.  Please tell her hello for me when you see her."  He gave both me and W a hug after the ultrasound and told us he wants us to bring the baby back in to see after it's born.  We gave him a pair of BYU socks and wrote a thank you card.  I am genuinely sad to leave the UCRM, as they've been so incredible to us.  I feel so much gratitude to them for helping us get to this point.  We are getting to experience the dream of getting pregnant and planning for our family and it's such an incredible feeling.  I've felt so emotional all week...I'm sure it's the hormones, but I feel so thankful for how things are going in our life right now.  I can't wait for each milestone to pass and to meet this little one.  We already love it so much.

I decided to tell the rest of my siblings this week, as well.  We told J&M on Saturday and got a sweet reaction from M, who jumped up out of her chair to hug me.  I told my oldest brother on Wednesday and got the "Oh that's good!  I almost bought you a BYU onsie the other day, but wasn't sure if you were all done with the IVF or not."  I told my youngest brother that night and I think his reaction is my favorite so far.  He looked so surprised and said are you serious?  And gave me the best hug!  I asked if he wanted to see the ultrasound pictures and he was so excited to see them.  I just have one last brother to tell this weekend, and I'm excited to see his reaction too.  J is an awesome uncle and our niece and nephew adore him.

So now we just have 4 more weeks in the first trimester.  And 3 weeks till we meet Dr. D and get to see our little peanut again. 

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