Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Results

Beta #1 was done on Saturday morning.  W and I woke up bright and early and went to get my blood drawn.  We hung out at home, hoping the time would go by faster.  We watched a movie and then decided to get started on some yard work, instead of sitting around.  That's when the call came.  It was good news!  My beta number was 371, which is fantastic!  The nurse gave me instructions to continue on with the progesterone injections and Estrace pills.  She told me I needed to come in for another blood draw on Monday morning, to make sure the number is rising.  And to schedule a viability U/S with Dr. P in a couple of weeks.  She congratulated us and hung up.  I jumped into W's arms and cried with him for a second.  We both couldn't wipe the grin off our face for a couple hours.

I hung out with my sisters that night.  They both knew we'd had the test that morning, and so I tried to go into the night with my best poker face, so I could still try to surprise them.  I said: Okay, I'll tell you what the nurse said, then we can continue on with the night.  She gave me the number and said she'd like me to come in again on Monday to see if the number gets any better.....Because we're pregnant!  Both sisters were teary eyed and said they thought I was going to give bad news!  I love when I am a good actress!  They asked why I wasn't crying, and I told them I think I'm just too shocked my it all right now.

We told my parents the next night, after everyone had left their house.  I just simply said: Do you guys want to be grandparents in May or June?  And got teary hugs from them, and my dad also saying why aren't you crying, and I am?  Ha Ha.  But truth is, I was feeling anxious about Monday's numbers.  It seems too good to be true, what if the numbers don't rise?  But I still wanted to share the news with them, knowing that my mom was waiting for the results too.  Dad went out and picked some apples for me to eat, and said that I need to make sure I'm better at eating fruits and vegetables now that I've got his grand baby growing in there.  Ha Ha.  Makes me happy thinking of their reactions again.

Monday I got another blood draw.  I asked the girl taking my blood what they'd like to see, she said they want the numbers to double.  She said my 371 number is really good, and I should be happy with those results.  I felt anxious waiting for the results, and tried to stay busy at work.  I got the call just before lunch and the number was fantastic!  It more than doubled up to 768!  So we really are good and pregnant and I'm thrilled.

I got my girlfriends together on Monday night to share the good news.  I downloaded an app on my phone and am starting to feel more giddy about it all.  Today, I am 5 weeks pregnant.  Yes, it's still early, but I feel so good and at peace with it all.  I am going to continue to take it easy, not start running again, just yet.  I won't be drinking caffeine or doing anything I think could create a bad environment for this little baby.  I want to do everything I can, to ensure I create the best home for this little "Afro Baby", as we've started calling it.

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