Friday, June 28, 2013

Cycle Cancelled

We had our second ultrasound this morning, and it looks like my body reacted a little bit too well to the Gonal F shots.  I had way too many follicles.  So they drew my blood (it only took them 6 tries to finally draw some blood, ha.) and ran a test to check my Estradiol levels.  They wanted them to be in the 400 to 600 range, and then we'd be cleared to go ahead with our IUI on Sunday.  I got a call a couple hours later, from my doctor.  My levels were at 1589, so he gave me 3 choices:  Cancel the IUI, go ahead with the IUI (which he does NOT recommend), or have a Cystaspiration done to remove the excess fluids and cysts from some follicles.  They'd leave 2 good follicles alone and we could go forward with the IUI.  But the operation costs $875 and if they end up having to use IV meds, because the oral meds don't sedate me enough (I'd be awake the whole time, but be sedated.) then it'd tack on another $300.  And there's no guarantee that we'd get pregnant just because of it.  So we decided to cancel this IUI.  We'll have another consult with the doctor on the 10th, which also happens to be our anniversary.  We'll go over our IVF options then.

I really do love our clinic.  I got to have my blood drawn by my doctor, since the other guy wasn't able to get a good vein.  He is the one who personally called me with the results and then said he'd have their program director call me.  When I called for the IVF consult appt, they told me that if I was just a random case or new patient, I'd have to wait until the middle of August.  But since they could see I'd gone through multiple steps and appointments, they moved some things around and are fitting me in in a week and a half.  This actually gives me the time to possibly be able to go ahead with IVF on the next cycle.  I won't know for sure, until we have the appointment, but I think things are looking good.  Then I got a call from the program director who was so nice and willing to go through anything I needed to.  He was so encouraging and that's so nice to feel like they care.  He told me that Dr. P asked that I call him on his cell to talk to him about what I wanted to do with my options.  When I called Dr. P back, he was so cool about it all.  He told me that he thinks this is a great choice to move forward with IVF, as I will be an ideal patient since I respond so well to the drugs.  While I am really bummed about not moving forward right now, I feel a lot of hope that this was just another step in the right direction to getting pregnant.  I think that the clinic wants to do whatever they can to make it happen.

So for now, we will have to use protection to avoid getting pregnant with 6-8 babies.  We are going to relax and enjoy this next week and the 4th of July.  We will look forward to celebrating 5 years of wedded bliss with whatever we want to do, without worrying about hurting the cycle in any way.  We will find the good in this bust of a cycle, because we are willing to stay positive and hopeful that all these steps are putting us closer to a family.

I feel so lucky to have such a great husband in W.  He has been wonderful this week.  He's not complained once about coming to the appointments with me, and really wants to be involved.  He gave me my Gonal F shots both days and keeps me calm throughout it all.  He is so willing to do whatever it takes to put together the money it will take to go through IVF.  He wants a family as badly as I do, and that makes me so happy.  I feel incredibly lucky to be married to such a wonderful man.

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