Monday, June 24, 2013

New Hope

Originally written on 6/3/13

I have been feeling so hopeful and positive about this month's chance at getting pregnant.  We had a Dr. appt a couple weeks ago and found out that all W's tests look good.  So we really don't have a definite answer of why we aren't getting pregnant on our own.  But, Dr. P suggested a couple other routes we can take with IUI's to better our chances.

So we decided that this month I was going on Clomid.  We went in for an U/S on Saturday to check my follicles and lining.  I have 2 big follicles and a few smaller ones, and my lining looks great!  Dr. P seemed really confident and excited for our chance this month.  We did my 4th IUI this morning (6/3/13) and now will be playing the 2 week waiting game.  I am so positive and hopeful that this month will work.  My fingers are crossed!

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