Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blog Reading

I found this blog called Hakuna Matata (yes the song is always in my head when I read it) and the girl is so funny.  I feel like she and I truly would be friends, aside from all this infertility crap we deal with.  And not only is she funny, but she can put into words the things I've felt so many times, and makes me feel not so alone.  This post brought up some memories of my own, and I just wanted to remember the post.

As much love as I have for my niece and nephew, I do feel a sense of sadness at times, that I don't have that yet.  I want to play in the yard on summer nights, or cuddle to watch a movie or break out the coloring books and crayons and spend an evening doing those simple things with my own kids.  I know that we're getting closer to having that...But I can't say it's here yet, so that sadness still lingers. 

We had our first *real* IVF monitoring ultrasound today with Dr. H.  I really liked him and his gentle manner.   I've got follies growing (I forgot the paperwork on the nurse's desk, so I don't have an exact number.) on both sides and will continue on with my injections as is.  I go back on Saturday morning to see how things are progressing.  It's exciting to see those follies up on the screen, and I am so hopeful that we'll get lots of big, healthy follies for my eggs to grow in.  I just keep thinking that the tender stomach, the cramps and headaches will all be worth it in the end, if I can just have a good outcome.  I'm ready for my take home baby...and will do whatever it takes, and spend more money to get there.

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