Monday, September 9, 2013

Progressing nicely

We had our final monitoring ultrasound this morning.  Got to meet Dr. J, who was fantastic, and she said everything looks great.  She had me get my blood drawn to check my Estradiol levels (which ended up being 4103) and went over our next steps.  The nurse just called to let us know that we will do our Lupron trigger tonight and will do our egg retrieval on Wednesday morning.  I'm nervous, but I'm so excited!  Things are moving quickly and that just means less time to sit and wait.  The waiting will come later, after the transfer and we do the 2 week wait to know if it worked or not.

So our stimulation injections are done!  We had an U/S on Saturday with Dr. H and started the Cetrotide on Saturday night.  That was an experience in itself.  There was a football game that night, so I'd talked to my dad about how to get the cooler near the stadium, so I could go give myself the injections during the game.  He talked to my uncle, who would be driving my grandpa down and be parking in the parking lot with his pass.  W and I got the shots and supplies all ready and I dropped the cooler off at my uncles house before the game.  But the game was delayed by 2 hours for weather, so I felt a bit of anxiety in needing to be sure I got the shots done on time.  But it worked out perfectly.  The rain lessened, the kick off time was re-announced and we made our way to the car.  Hurriedly rushed people off to the game, so I could break open the cooler and "sneakily" get my injects done.  It was a sight to see, with alcohol wipes open and wrappers from different needles and all the shots ready to go, on the seat.  At one point I was drawing my syringe full of one of the meds, and my cousin came back to the car to drop something off...Don't know if he has any idea what's going on, but I didn't have time to care much, ha ha.  But we only had 2 days of doing 3 injections, which W was thrilled about.

We'll do our Lupron trigger shot tonight at 8:00 PM.  Tomorrow night, after dinner I will take my Doxycycline, then no food/drink after midnight.  Wednesday morning, we're to arrive at 7:30.  W is to take his last Doxycycline before we go.  I'll go in for my retrieval, and he'll leave his sample.  I'll rest for about an hour after, then go home to rest for the remainder of the day.  I'll continue my Doxycycline until the transfer, and will also take a med called Cabergoline.   I'll find out more then, about when they expect the retrieval date to be.  But I'm hoping for a Sunday or Monday transfer. I'll also start taking Estrace (Estradiol) and progesterone in oil for the first trimester of my pregnancy, but start the day of the retrieval.

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