Thursday, September 12, 2013

Egg Retrieval

The egg retrieval is done!  W and I went at 7:30 to our clinic.  They brought me back and had me get changed into a gown, got my IV started and then went over everything with Dr. J.  They brought me back to a room with a chair with stirup pedals on either side.  Then tilted me way back, leaving me rather exposed, ha.  They gave me some medicine, that made me "forget" or think I was asleep the whole time.  At one point I "woke" up and felt a little bit of pain.  I could see there was 3 doctors working on me, and when I stirred one of them put their hand on my knee, and the nurse rubbed my shoulder.  It was really comforting to have them there.  Once they were done, they brought me back to my recovery room, which I don't remember going to.  I remember W coming in, and thought I fell asleep for a time, but later found out I must've closed my eyes for a couple minutes, because I was talking to W about how it went, etc.  He said I couldn't stop smiling the whole time we were in the room, but I just felt so happy to have that part over with!  They had me eat some crackers and drink some juice and then let me get dressed to go home.  I felt a little bit sore, and tired, but couldn't stop feeling so happy!

I told W later last night that I love the staff at our clinic.  As we start in the recovery room, before even doing the retrieval, the receptionist walked in the back door to clock in and immediately grinned and waved.  As we were leaving (they wheeled me out in a wheelchair), the doctor was so sweet to notice and say goodbye, as well as one of the nurses reached out to grab my hand and say good luck!  I feel so much love and support from people who do this daily.  I'm just another patient, but they have done so well at making me feel as though I'm the only person there.  They are rooting for this to work, and it's so nice having such a great team on my side.

After we got home, W got ready to go into work and I got all my meds together and made myself an inclining bed in our bed, since I couldn't lay flat yesterday.  I ate my little donuts and sipped on my gatorade.  I was able to sleep for a couple hours, then moved over to the couch and got comfortable there.  My sister K came over with fries and a shake and we watched The Sound of Music.  W decided to stay late since K was hanging out with me.  I realized a little after 6, that it was time for my first progesterone shot and realized I was going to have to do the shot myself.  We got everything ready, looked at the instruction video a couple times.  I got the inject site ready, but couldn't make myself jam the 2 inch needle into my butt.  So K stepped up and did the shot for me.  It was a funny thing, as she jammed it in and made me start giggling.  I tried to control it, since she couldn't concentrate enough to do the injection, but kept starting up again a few seconds later.  The spot is pretty sore today, like a good bruise on the muscle.  I'm really hoping we don't have to do the progesterone injections for too long.  I'm hoping we can do the suppositories after all the Lupron is out of my system.  It will make life a whole lot easier, knowing W will soon be travelling for work and I don't know that I'll ever be able to do these shots on myself.

They got 17 eggs yesterday, which was so exciting to hear!  I'll hear from the embryologist tomorrow about how many survived into embryos and when the day of transfer will be.  I'm really hoping for a good amount of embryos, and would really like to do a 5 day transfer on Monday with Dr. P.  For now, I'm reveling in having one big hurdle crossed and being one step closer to being pregnant!

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