Monday, September 9, 2013


I wanted to write a quick post about how great of girlfriends I have.  I had my group of high school girlfriends over to my house on Friday night.   All of us girls have been friends since high school, some of us since Jr. High.  We may not see each other more than a couple times year, at times, but we never miss a beat.  We always pick back up where we left off and have the best time.  Friday was no exception!  I am so grateful to have them as my friends and the night couldn't have gone better.

We enjoyed dinner and lots of talking and laughing.  They asked about our IVF cycle and listened to me ramble on about details that most people never even think about.  After dinner B did my Chakra balance, which was so healing and wonderful.  She asked me to say a prayer on my own before we did it, and I did asking for an open mind and for a chance to heal from my past pain and hurt.  To move forward and would know what steps to take.  I also asked for a blessing on the cycle that it could work, but that if it still isn't our time, then to help me not hold onto anger and bad feeling surrounding it.  Help us to heal and to move forward towards having our family.

B's blessing during the balance said a lot of the same things.  She pointed out feelings I've been holding onto that really made me release a lot of anger and hurt I've been feeling for a long time.  It was a pretty amazing prayer she said and I immediately felt a weight lifted off my chest, in my stomach and on my shoulders.  I felt like my girlfriends had a chance to see a little bit into what I've felt for over 2 years now.  I was able to hug each of my friends and feel so much love from them.  How grateful I am to have them through this journey!

After the chakra balance we stayed together talking and laughing and enjoying the evening.  We had lots of yummy food, lots of laughs and a few tears shed together.  I loved it and feel like it did wonders for my heart and mind.  At the end of the evening. B got out some essential oils and went over the ones she loves and uses the most.  She gave us all samples of what she had and let us ask about things that we could use each day. 

On Saturday I woke up feeling so great!  The bruises on my stomach didn't seem to hurt as bad and my mood was so happy and light.  I really do think that girlfriends and a prayer we share together can make a world of difference.  I'm def going to require we all get together more often, because I'm not the only one going through ups and downs in life, and I want everyone to get a chance to experience how good I am feeling.

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